Thursday, April 17, 2008

Controversy Over Filtering

The Children’s Internet Protection Act went into effect in the 2002 school year, mandating web filters for public schools that receive E-Rate funding for internet access. Heather did a great job facilitating this discussion for the week and asked a lot of interesting questions. I find the debate over filtering quite interesting, especially the question over allowing full access while teaching students to use their own judgment online versus attempting to filter everything that might be viewed as harmful. Many argue that students have full access to the internet outside of school/at home and therefore should be taught how to navigate it without falling victim to scams or should be taught how to avoid inappropriate material altogether. Can any TL or classroom teacher, or any parent for that matter, ensure that their children are not accessing such potentially dangerous material online? On the other side, many argue that filtering should be mandated as through CIPA, but are these filters effective? Are we simply shielding our children from reality; a reality they will have to face later as young adults?

This article addresses some of these same questions as well as others and I found it to be an interesting read. What are some of your thoughts on this issue? As a future TL, will you support filtering or will you advocate greater access?

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