Monday, March 17, 2008

Blogging on Vlogging

What is a Vlog? What is a Vodcast? According to this website a vlog (which is also known as a vodcast, vidblog, vodblog, video podcast, vcatch, among other terms) is simply internet television. Vlogging/Vodcasting has taken us a long way from text only communication. Not long ago all we had was text and maybe a few static images. With the social advancement of the web we developed blogs, which you are all well aware of by now because, surprise, you are using one right now! But blogs didn’t provide sound or video. Then the MP3 entered the mix, allowing for sound and music on the internet. Finally, with broadband internet we were able to watch videos, and this is when vlogging (which some still refer to as video diaries) came on the scene. Vodcasting is considered to be the video version of podcasting, hence the name since VOD stands for “video on demand.” Bottom line, it’s all television; it’s just on a computer screen instead of your TV. In the weeks to come we will explore the potential applications of this technological capability in the K-12 setting.

1 comment:

Mariah said...

Though Charles is pretty obnoxious his explanation of the evolution of terms was interesting!