Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Digital Storytelling Top Ten

In case you still need convincing, attached are the "Top Ten Reasons for Implementing Storytelling" according to Dr. Gail N. Herman, Educational Consultant and "Organic Storyteller." Though these items are not necessarily specific to digital storytelling, they certainly still apply regardless of the technology applied. Digital storytelling can add further depth to this list. For example, if storytelling encourages creativity, would not digital storytelling also encourage greater creativity through the application of pictures and videos students might use to tell their stories? How else might digital storytelling add even greater depth to these benefits?


Mariah said...

A huge benefit of digital storytelling is that it can be shared with a much larger audience.

A huge loss though is the live performance aspect of traditional storytelling. I think most traditional storytellers feel a responsibility to do their part to preserve an art form. The digital stories I've heard so far have been very personal and powerful stories whereas I think of traditional storytellers tending to bring to life fictional characters while interacting with a live audience. On the other hand storytellers have been making audio recorders forever so perhaps they would not have the reaction I just had.

Natalie said...

You pose an interesting question regarding how digital storytelling can add even more depth to the benefits of storytelling. On just about every one of the top ten points, one could come up with ways why digital storytelling would enhance it. For instance, on point number 10, "incorporates the multiple intelligences": digital storytelling certainly does this -- when you think of what all goes into creating a digital story, it is clear that many different intelligences all play a role.

Also, point 5 "Captivates Attention" -- certainly some kids who might not be as captivated by traditional storytelling might tune in to digital storytelling.

It is interesting to think about each of the points on this list and consider how they apply to a digital storytelling experience.

Elise Morford said...

Natalie and Mariah,
I'm glad you found the Top Ten list interesting. I think Mariah is correct in saying that many traditional storytellers might not approve of digital storytelling due to the loss of the in-person performance aspect. However, many schools and students who would not have access to a traditional storyteller might gain an appreciation for digital storytelling that they otherwise would not have been able to experience.

I like Natalie's take on the various Top Ten points. You stated a lot of the same ideas I was considering when I made this post. Traditional storytelling is so valuable in and of itself, but I can see so much added value by incorporating digital storytelling into a child's learning experience.