Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Digital Storytelling Top Ten

In case you still need convincing, attached are the "Top Ten Reasons for Implementing Storytelling" according to Dr. Gail N. Herman, Educational Consultant and "Organic Storyteller." Though these items are not necessarily specific to digital storytelling, they certainly still apply regardless of the technology applied. Digital storytelling can add further depth to this list. For example, if storytelling encourages creativity, would not digital storytelling also encourage greater creativity through the application of pictures and videos students might use to tell their stories? How else might digital storytelling add even greater depth to these benefits?

Discovery Educator

The Digital Storytelling blog provided by the Discovery Educator Network is one of the few blogs I have found devoted completely to digital storytelling. New postings are added regularly to this blog and great information on K-12 video contests, digital storytelling conferences and festivals, as well as information on harware and software capabilities/updates are included here. One post from January 16th advertises a contest called "Video All-Star" in which K-12 students and teachers are encouraged to create a 2-3 minute video about why digital learning tools are so important to them and to their school. Prizes are given to the best entries including a new laptop and Adobe Digital School Collection software licenses for the school.

In examining this blog and the information provided in the various posts, is this something you would keep an eye on as a TL who is incorporating digital storytelling into your library activities? Would you find the information useful? Why or why not?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

One Teacher's Experience

Tom Banaszewski is an Educator/Multimedia Author at Maria Hastings School in Lexington, MA. In this article he explains his own journey in teaching fourth and fifth graders how to create their own digital stories through the Place Project. Students begin by selecting a topic. The only requirement is that it must be about a particular place that holds meaning for them. He explains how students are encouraged to develop their topics and how those topics are then translated into visual images; either drawings that the students make themselves or locate on the computer. He also goes through the process of instructing the technological aspects of the project and the time considerations that must be made for a class of 24 students.

Through this article it is easy to see the wealth of learning experiences each student achieves while having fun developing their own digital story. Students reflect on the importance of a special place in their lives, develop their thoughts into a story, exercise their writing abilities, share their writing and ideas with their fellow students, express their thoughts both orally and visually, while at the same time learning a new technological application. What aspects of Tom Banaszewski's digital storytelling project do you find most valuable for students?

Composition Tools

In Brianna's comment from last week she asked about the tools and software needed to create a digital story so I thought I would include information on this for this week's post. The Digital Storytelling link which I provided last week has an FAQ section that addresses this issue and can be found at This page gives a list of audio, image, and video editors (if you intend to include video) and lists them according to cost and ease-of-use. Software requirements for Microsoft OS X and Windows XP are provided. Some of the image editors can get quite pricey. Needed harware includes a microphone and mixer or a USB microphone (which can range from $90 to $170 or more depending on brand specifications). You would also need a digital camera or scanner and a digital video camera (again, only if you plan to include video in your digital story). Depending on a school's budget and the tools they may already have in place, this could be a great investment. Would you, as a TL, argue to spend the money to make digital storytelling capability part of your library?

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What is Digital Storytelling?

Digital Storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Digital stories derive their power by weaving images, music, narrative and voice together, thereby giving deep dimension and vivid color to characters, situations, experiences, and insights. - Digital Storytelling Association

The above quote was taken from a comprehensive website on digital storytelling This website includes examples as to the many ways in which digital storytelling is utilized in Education, provides tools for creating and publishing digital stories, as well as international digital storytelling resources.

In my own words, a digital story is a short (usually five minutes or less) digital video clip which includes voice narration of a story accompanied by illustrations and/or still images and background music to add tone and feeling to the story. To see a digital story (less than 3 minutes in length) about how to make a digital story, go to

Week 4 Intro Post

Hello blogging group members.
My name is Elise Morford. I am originally from Asheville, NC. I have an undergrad degree in American History and a minor in PoliSci with a concentration in Education from Appalachian State University. If you keep up with college football at all this is the school that beat Michigan last season in one of the biggest upsets in history.

After graduating I decided I wanted to see the world a little before settling down so I joined the Navy and became an Intelligence Officer. I was on active duty in the Navy for five years, during which time I was stationed in Corpus Christi, TX, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and San Diego, CA. I also met my husband in the Navy and after a few years of moving around we decided to rejoin civilian life. Now we live in Westernville, NY just north of Rome. We are expecting our first child (a girl) in a few weeks. We also have two cats, a black cat named Cosmo and an orange cat appropriately named O.C. (short for orange cat).

I have never blogged before so I am looking forward to this experience and to talking with you over the semester. My first topic is Digital Storytelling, followed by Vlogging (Vodcasting) so I will try to find some interesting and informative information for you on these topics in the coming weeks.